What is the Importance & Benefits of Surah Yaseen?
The Holy Quran is one of the most beloved and Marvel books which has been bestowed upon humankind by Allah SWT. The significance and importance of the Quran are so powerful that recitation of one word will provide us with a reward in life after. Other than rewards in the physical world, there are a lot of Surahs that Muslims can recite to receive countless blessings. Among these, the most superior as compared to others is Surah Yasin.
Benefits of Surah Yaseen
Muslim youth all around the world recite it, memorize it, and respect the sanctity of the holy words. But how beneficial is this surah if it has so much significance? In this post, we have provided some of the prominent benefits of Surah Yaseen.
The Heart of the Quran
Just like every living thing in humankind has a heart, which is considered to be the most important organ of the human body. Surah Yaseen is considered the heart of the Quran.
“Surely, everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Yaseen. I would like that it be in the heart of every believer of my ummah.” –Tafsir -al- Sabuni, volume:2
Absolution from Sins
If a person recites Surah Yaseen from a pure heart and his/her intentions are clear, Allah SWIT will surely absolute their sins overnight. You will wake up with a pure heart and all your worries will be forgotten. Subsequently, a person should recite Surah Yaseen on a daily basis to gain the pleasure of Allah Almighty. Their sins will be forgiven while they are asleep.
Magnificent Reward
As mentioned above, reciting one word of the Holy Quran provides us with a lot of rewards. Now just imagine the significance of the heart of the Quran.
“Whoever reads Surah Yaseen, Allah rewards him that is equal to that of reading the whole Quran.” –Tirmidhi 2812/A
As mentioned in the Verse, Surah Yaseen will reward you the same as if you’ve recited the whole Quran, not only once but ten times. This gives you the ultimate declaration of how rewardful this surah is. It is the most blessing gift for mankind.
Eases the Death
It is evident from a Hadith that Surah Yaseen is recommended to be recited close to a dying person. It eases the pain and provides them with resemblance and spiritual help.
“Recite Yaseen on those who are dying.” –Sanan Abi Dawud
A person leaving the world needs both physical and spiritual help. If you ease the pain and recite the heart of the Quran, it will surely serve a lot of benefits for both of you. It provides comfort, and peace, and offers an excruciating process.
Helps in Life Issues
Reciting the Surah Yaseen also helps you to solve the common problems you face in your life. It also eases the tests of your life partner and provides you comfort in difficult times. The recitation invokes the blessing of Allah SWT and to everyone who’s in your house. You can also recite this on a daily basis to abolish your heart fears.
Tag:importance, Surah, Surah Yaseen